Monday, March 9, 2009

file:///Users/wjps-student/Desktop/ = 1

Original Artist Reproduction rights obtainable from = 2

    Teen pregnancy is one of the biggest subjects around right now, along with abortion. I personally don't believe in either. But stopping one solves the other. Don't get pregnant and you won't need an abortion. Think about it? You don't get pregnant of get someone pregnant, you don't have a baby, and you don't have an abortion. It all works out doesn't it? 
     You didn't plan on having a child, so from 17 you will have to raise a child. Will you have any experience with this? No. Will you have any help? No. Will you be marked as the person who got pregnant at 17? For sure. Oh, and by the way you might get a disease like aids. That might carry on to the baby. Or maybe it will be a pre mature birth. 
(Weeks on the left side and chance of living on right.)
23 = 17%
24 = 39%
25 = 50% 
26 = 80%
27 = 90%
28-31 = 90%-95%
34+ = Almost as likely as a full term baby(1)

             You wanna know about this crazy invention. It's called a condom dummy. And it's not at all hard to use. Buy it, open it, put it on, and what happens after that is your own business. It's not all that bad of an experience with it on. You know, just play it safe. Instead of getting her pregnant and having a little less happy, happy, joy, joy if you catch my drift you wear the condom and she isn't pregnant and you still got to have a mind blowing experience and in a couple of years you don't have to wear the condom. It an amazing concept.